60 Square Inches – Purchase Award

Very pleased to have been notified that my print Consumed Thoughts received a purchase award at Sixty Square Inches. This exhibition of small prints selected by juror Kim Vito of Wright State University, is up at Purdue University Galleries until February 20th, 2016.

Consumed Thoughts (etching and chine colle, 6.4" x 5")

Consumed Thoughts (etching and chine colle, 6.4″ x 5″)

MGC Miniprint

The Manhattan Graphic Centre’s 1st Annual Miniature Print Exhibition and Competition opens November 1st. I’m pleased to have had three of my tiny etchings accepted into the exhibition. Visit the centre from November 1st to December 18th to see the show. Stop by if you are in New York!

Hidden (etching and chine colle, 2.25" x 2")

Hidden (etching and chine colle, 2.25″ x 2″)

Reconstruct (etching and chine colle, 2.25" x 2")

Reconstruct (etching and chine colle, 2.25″ x 2″)

Sinking In (etching and chine colle, 3" x 2.25")

Sinking In (etching and chine colle, 3″ x 2.25″)

New Etching

I’m currently en route to Asia where I’ll be attending the opening of Printed in Canada – an exhibition curated by Guy Langevin and featuring the works of 25 Canadian printmakers. Prior to heading off on my trip, I completed a new etching as part of my new series The Body Stranger. More to come about Taiwan after the opening! (sorry the colour is a bit off in the photo)


New Etchings

Being the summer, I have a bit more time in the studio available and have started producing some new etchings and silkscreens. Here’s the first round, all are etching and chine colle.

Between Places (etching and chine colle)

Between Places (etching and chine colle)

Walking Lightly (etching and chine colle, 4.5" x 4")

Walking Lightly (etching and chine colle, 4.5″ x 4″)

Walking Lightly (etching and chine colle, 4.5" x 4")

Walking Lightly (etching and chine colle, 4.5″ x 4″)

The Body, Stranger

I’ve begun working on some new pieces that examine my experiences living with MS and inflammatory arthritis. While I am lucky that my disease is so far on the mild end of the spectrum, it has nonetheless shaped me and brought me into contact with drugs and aspects of medical practice that are outside the experience of many people. I seek to bring my own adventures to light and examine them within the greater context of contemporary medicine. To start, I’ve created some small etchings that touch on the internally sensed aspect of my illnesses. Find new works under my The Body, Stranger page under the Artworks header.

Sensory Limitation (Etching and Chine Colle) 4 1/2" x 3 3/4"

Sensory Limitation (Etching and Chine Colle) 4 1/2″ x 3 3/4″