I recently completed a small suite of prints inspired by a recent trip to Turkey. I was struck by the depth of history in the country as it seemed you couldn’t walk a block without tripping on seven layers of magical wonders from great civilizations of the past. A visit to the Cappadocia region revealed caves and churches built into a surreal landscape of spires and cliffs where Byzantinians and later Christians hid from persecution. As a tourist, we were shown the bright sides of life in Turkey and we were humbled upon our return to see that areas we walked through just days before were now full of protesters and police. You never really get to know a country just roaming through it for a few weeks but it can definitely leave an impression that lingers beyond the visit.

Overwritten (silkscreen) 11″ x 15″

Soft Surfacing (silkscreen) 15″ x 11″

Lost Texts Readable (silkscreen)11″ x 15″

Renaming the New (Silkscreen) 11″ x 15″