60 Square Inches – Purchase Award

Very pleased to have been notified that my print Consumed Thoughts received a purchase award at Sixty Square Inches. This exhibition of small prints selected by juror Kim Vito of Wright State University, is up at Purdue University Galleries until February 20th, 2016.

Consumed Thoughts (etching and chine colle, 6.4" x 5")

Consumed Thoughts (etching and chine colle, 6.4″ x 5″)

Visiting Artist Lecture

I’m giving a talk about my practice at the University of Calgary on February 5th, 2016 at 10am. The lecture is titledĀ Structures and Strange Body: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Disease. It will be a hilarious and personal history of my work and my own intersecting illness narrative. Come on by and ask me easy questions such as: on a scale of one to Hotline Bling, how much do I like ice cream?

The Everyday Liminal V (3' x 4') silkscreen on plexiglass and paper

The Everyday Liminal V (3′ x 4′) silkscreen on plexiglass and paper