Heavy Tangle (silkscreen, 15″ x 11″)
Waiting Room (silkscreen on mylar, 28″ x 40″)
Discontinuity (silkscreen 20″ 20″)
Pull, Don’t Fall
(Silkscreen, 16″ x 14″)
Threshold (silkscreen, 14″ x 11″)
Untitled (silkscreen on mylar, 40″ x 28″)
Virtual Dialogue (pencil and pencil crayon on Yupo)
Separating Identities (etching and chine colle, 12″ x 8.75″)
Walking Lightly (etching and chine colle, 4.5″ x 4″)
Small Separation (etching and chine colle, 6″ x 3.5″)
Between Places (etching and chine colle 8.5″ x 6″)
No Choice in What Remains (etching, drypoint and chine colle)
Realization (Etching and Chine Colle) 4 3/8″ x 3 3/4″
Sensory Limitation (Etching and Chine Colle) 4 1/2″ x 3 3/4″
Effusion (Etching and Chine colle) 4 3/4″ x 4 3/8″
Presence (Etching and Chine Colle) 5″ x 4 1/4″
Standing Drift (etching and chine colle, 4.5″ x 4″)
Consumed Thoughts (etching and chine colle, 6.4″ x 5″)