The Imagined Past opens Friday!

The works for my exhibition The Imagined Past have been in the works for several years now so it feels strange to finally have them set up and working in the gallery. I can’t quite believe they are finally doing what they’re supposed to as I’ve spent the past few days patching code and fixing lose connections (on top of tinkering with them for the past few years, making them work more effectively). Will my amateur electronics/code/construction techniques hold up? Join me on Friday February 22nd at 8:00pm at Stride Gallery or on Saturday February 23rd at 2:00pm for my artist talk to find out! The show is up until March 22nd. Stride is located at 1004 MacLeod Trail SE in Calgary.

Marc Dulude is showing works in the upstairs gallery in his exhibition Have You Seen This? Its a great show by an excellent Quebec artist whose practice concerns itself with sublime spatial experiences using mirrors, the viewer and nature. His artist talk is the same day as mine at 1:00pm.

The Imagined Past in the Stride Project Room (Calgary).

The Imagined Past in the Stride Project Room (Calgary).

The Imagined Past in Stride’s Project Room

I’ve been putting the finishing touches on my upcoming show in Stride’s Project Room. This is my first solo show featuring my sculptural work. This body of work is a personal attempt to step outside of my comfort zone. “Push yourself!” I yell at my students. So I decided to yell at myself a little bit. Four of the works have micro controllers and sensors that allow either a light to respond to movement or Servo motors. I am not a 3-D artist nor am I knowledgeable with electronics but I was determined to create work that responded to the viewer’s movements. Come by Stride on February 22nd to check them out.

The Future In Retrospect IV (detail)

The Future In Retrospect IV (detail)

The Future In Retrospect II

The Future In Retrospect II