DNSPE 2023

The Delta National Small Print Exhibition opened on the 16th at the Bradbury Art Museum. I’m pleased to be exhibiting a print in such excellent company. A link to see all the prints is here: https://bradburyartmuseum.org/2023dnspe. The print that I exhibited is below, from a series of small experiments that I created this past summer.

Interruption Shift II (silkscreen 12″ x 10″)

The Body Electric at ICRE

One of my recent prints was exhibited as part of a virtual exhibition during the International Conference on Residency Education (ICRE) in late October at the Palais de Congress in Montreal. A link to the full exhibition can be found here: https://thebodyelectric-lecorpselectrique.ca/exhibitions/montreal-qc-2022/digital-catalogue-2022/

My print that was exhibited is below. Enjoy!

a silkscreen image of an ink-wash figure split near the top by a piece of gridded paper.
(silkscreen, 12″ x 10″)