New Work (experiments with UV printing on plexiglass)

In late May, I stopped by UBC Kelowna to work on some plexiglass prints using their UV inks and drying system to test adherence and layering. I was pleased with the results and will now plan a series of larger works on plexiglass. Many thanks to Briar Craig for letting me use the studio. Shoot him a line if you want to propose a short residency in the lovely Okanagan valley.

Pass Through (UV silkscreen on plexiglass, 22" x 15")

Pass Through (UV silkscreen on plexiglass, 22″ x 15″)

Interior Distance  (UV silkscreen on plexiglass, 22" x 15")

Interior Distance (UV silkscreen on plexiglass, 22″ x 15″)

Shift | SNAP Gallery

I just returned from Edmonton where I opened my latest exhibition, Shift, at SNAP Gallery. Three of the works in the exhibition are large plexiglass works, 6′ x 4′, and ended up having to be driven up in a motorhome making for the craziest delivery of works I’ve ever participated in. The exhibition is up until May 31st.

Works tied down in the motorhome for shipping

Works tied down in the motorhome for shipping

Using a motorhome to ship the works in style.

Installing works at SNAP

Installing works at SNAP

I spent most of Wednesday installing works and tweaking some of my code – a beefier motor on one of the houses required an adjustment to some of my coding for the Arduino. Four of the houses in the exhibition respond to the viewers presence and cause an action within the house such as a door opening and closing or a light turning on.


Looking into the window at SNAP

Looking into the window at SNAP

The day of the opening the weather was cold but the window looked hot. Despite several other events on the same day, my opening and artist- talk were well attended. The people at SNAP make for some great hosts!


Works installed at SNAP - brand new plexiglass work on the right.

Works installed at SNAP – brand new plexiglass work on the right.

An installation shot of the works in the show. Two bodies of work were installed – the larger plexiglass works reflect the small plexiglass prints inside of each of the houses. Two of the large plexiglass works are brand-new and have never been exhibited before.