I was honoured to have been included in Di Carta/Papermade by curator Valeria Bertesina. The exhibition features works on paper from artists around the world and includes many artists whose work I admire greatly. The show opens on December 12th at Palazzo Fogazzaro in Schio, Italy. The theme of the biennial is Esthetics Aesthetics and the work that was invited of mine is two of my silkscreens to be exhibited as a diptych that deal with intersections between chronic illness and daily life. Title of the diptych is Conversations With Myself.

Considering Drift (silkscreen, 22" x 30")

Considering Drift (silkscreen, 22″ x 30″)

Constructing a Self Based on the Evidence (silkscreen, 22" x 30")

Constructing a Self Based on the Evidence (silkscreen, 22″ x 30″)