Printing Marks and Codes / Printing Design International Invitation Exhibition

I was honoured to have been invited to participate in Printing Marks and Codes/Printing Design International Invitation Exhibition at the Printmaking Department at the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute. The exhibition opened on November 14th and will run until the end of the month. I have many fond memories of Chongqing and my time there in 2011. The city is large, bright, and busy and sits at the intersection of two major rivers: the Yangzee and the Jialing.

Time Spent Looking (silkscreen, 30" x 22")

Time Spent Looking (silkscreen, 30″ x 22″)

APS Biennial

I am very pleased to have had my work selected as part of the Atlanta Printmakers Studio Print Biennial. The exhibition opens this Friday, November 6th, at Kai Lin Art in Atlanta. 69 printmakers were selected by juror and etching/mezzotint star Art Werger to form the exhibition. Thrilled to be in such fantastic company.

Constructing a Self Based on the Evidence (silkscreen, 22" x 30")

Constructing a Self Based on the Evidence (silkscreen, 22″ x 30″)