60 Square Inches – Purchase Award

Very pleased to have been notified that my print Consumed Thoughts received a purchase award at Sixty Square Inches. This exhibition of small prints selected by juror Kim Vito of Wright State University, is up at Purdue University Galleries until February 20th, 2016.

Consumed Thoughts (etching and chine colle, 6.4" x 5")

Consumed Thoughts (etching and chine colle, 6.4″ x 5″)

Teaching Award

I don’t talk very often of my teaching on my site but it’s a big part of my creative practice and feeds my research. I was honoured to have just received a Teaching Excellence Award at the Alberta College of Art + Design. I love creating a challenging and rewarding curriculum for my students and I’m so thrilled that it resonates. This will serve as great energy and inspiration as I prepare for the Winter semester


2011/2012 ACADSA Faculty Award

The end of semester is always a hectic one for students and faculty alike but mine has been made a little sweeter thanks to ACAD’s student association. They have awarded me the 2011/2012 Faculty Award! For this honour, I have been featured on a trading card as a super faculty with a power rating for everything from humour and approachability to parrots (I may or may not mention my parrot Charlie too often in class). Its really a wonderful way to end the semester and makes me grateful to work with such an excellent bunch of students.

DNSPE 2012 Update

I just received two copies of the DNSPE 2012 catalogue in the mail today along with the good news that my print “Returning, Pausing” received the Brackett-Krennerich & Associates Architects Purchase Award. This print will now be in the Arkansas State University Permanent Collection.

A quote from the Juror’s Statement (Roberta Waddell) in the catalogue: “While the screenprint particularly lends itself to simple, clearly defined, flat areas of color, Heather Huston takes advantage of the medium’s versatility in Returning, Pausing, a syncopated arrangement of subtly colored, patterned, and layered architectural planes that fluctuate from opaque to translucent.”

Always nice to hear how other people describe my work and to find a fellow fan of the Oxford comma.