Article: This is Not Art 

There’s an article from This is Not Art – an Italian/English site dedicated to art writing – about the Di Carta/Papermade exhibition in that my work is in. There’s a lovely write up about my piece in it. The article is in Italian but you’re just a short Google translate away from understanding plus there’s great install pictures. Enjoy! 

Dream City, Dreams Touring Serbia

My solo exhibition Dream City, Dreams which opened last summer in Belgrade, has now made its way to Novi Pazar in southern Serbia. If you can read serbian, you can see what they have to say about my exhibition. Below is the poster for the Canada Days event featuring part of one my prints.

Canada Days! Featuring an exhibition of my work in Novi Pazar

Canada Days! Featuring an exhibition of my work in Novi Pazar

The Body, Stranger at the Vernon Public Art Gallery

Here are some install shots of my recent solo exhibition, The Body, Stranger, that just closed at the Vernon Public Art Gallery. Many thanks to Lubos Cullen and all the gallery staff for putting up a great show and providing me with an opportunity to share my work with a larger audience. A catalogue was produced for the exhibition and features an essay by Barbara Sutherland. Copies are available at the gallery.

Install shot: The Body, Stranger at the VPAG. Photo credit: Digital Perfections

Install shot: The Body, Stranger at the VPAG. Photo credit: Digital Perfections

Install shot: The Body, Stranger at the VPAG. Photo credit: Digital Perfections

Install shot: The Body, Stranger at the VPAG. Photo credit: Digital Perfections