Calgary Biennial Review and Catalogue Launch

A review of the Calgary Biennial is up on Portage Press, a new site for critical arts writing. My work is discussed in Eric Heitmann’s article, check it out! Also, tonight is the launch of the catalogue for the show. The curator, Steven Cottingham, sought essays and articles from both artists and writers so I’m looking forward to reading about all the different interpretations of home. Today, home means warm refuge since its about -20 here in Calgary. Blargh. Bring on the chocolat chaud!

September Show Openings

I have three shows opening in three different locations this month. This week, both the Calgary Biennial and BIMPE VII opened in Calgary and Vancouver respectively. The Calgary Biennial is up until September 29th, BIMPE VII is up at Federation Gallery until the 22nd but will be moving to Dundarave in October, SNAP (Edmonton) in January 2013 and The University of British Columbia in Kelowna in February 2013.

I also have work in the 2012 Taiwan International Invitational Mini-Prints Exhibition and Symposium which will open at the National Taiwan Normal University on September 15th. Ten artists were selected to represent Canada at this event, should be a pretty excellent show. Wish I could ship myself to countries as easily and cheaply as I send my prints.