FIELDWORK: The Exhibition

This week, my work is part of an exhibition that coincides with ACAD’s symposium FIELDWORK: Artistic Research, Ethics and Academic Freedom taking place this week from March 12th – 19th. My work explores intersections between illness and identity and these prints specifically explore the sometimes banal (e.g. taking medication) but strangely heightened daily medical activities that are part of illness management. Both are part of my The Body, Stranger series. The exhibition and symposium events are free and open to the public.

FIELDWORK: The Exhibition being installed in room 371 at ACAD.

FIELDWORK: The Exhibition being installed in room 371 at ACAD.

Install shot of my recent silkscreens

Install shot of my recent silkscreens

Mireille Perron's piece - an emergency mobile unit that is part of her ongoing Laboratory of Feminist Pataphysics project.

Mireille Perron’s piece – an emergency mobile unit that is part of her ongoing Laboratory of Feminist Pataphysics project.

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